Digitizer Secure Physical Storage

Records and information are the lifeblood of any organization. Managing and protecting these valuable assets is essential to the Business.Digitizer solution provides you physical storage of your record as per applicable retention of records laws and internal polices of your organization. The Digitizer filing rooms are secure, insured and protected. You can free-up valuable real estate and staff by moving boxes and files to Digitizer physical storage facility without sacrificing visibility to your information assets. And you’ll have rapid access to high-activity files using our Open Shelf File Storage solution.

The Digitizer Records Management application provides online management of your boxes and files, searching, tracking and processing of service requests. With just a few clicks, you can search through your offsite inventory, locate what’s required to satisfy an internal or external request and arrange for it to be quickly scanned or delivered by one of our team member.

 +   Digitizer Physical Document Storage Solutions Key Feature
• Gain greater record inventory integrity and visibility. All records will be assigned key metadata for fast discoverability, and all records will be classified and stored by destruction eligibility date.
• Digitizer physical record Centers adhere to the international standards of record storage and key facility requirements for Security, Fire Safety. Preventative measures with proven fire-safe construction and dependable water supplies. Environmental Controls. Comprehensive environmental conditions that safeguard your records from the elements.
• Reduce record management costs and risks. Policies built on the defensible acceleration of the destruction of paper records ensures your organization is storing only what it needs. Storage and associated management costs are reduced, as is the risk of information loss and/or compliance violations.
• Offload the management of your file rooms with Digitizer expertise, infrastructure and experienced staff

Document Scanning & Digital Storage Services

Image on Demand

Scan your documents in an Digitizer Record Center on an as-needed basis

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