Digitizer Clouds Storage Solutions

Digitizer Cloud storage is a service model in which data is transmitted and stored on remote storage systems, where it is maintained, managed, backed up and made available to users over a network, the internet. Digitizer Cloud service providers manage and maintain data transferred to the cloud. Storage services are provided on demand in the cloud, with capacity increasing and decreasing as needed. Organizations opting for cloud storage eliminate the need to buy, manage and maintain in-house storage infrastructure. Digitizer fully managed cloud-based data replication target to a secure data center.

Document Scanning & Digital Storage Services

Image on Demand

Scan your documents in an Digitizer Record Center on an as-needed basis

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InSight Essential Edition

Capture, store and access your content in a secure cloud repository

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Content Services Platform

Make better business decisions using insights from advanced machine learning-based classfification and analytics

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