IT Asset Recycling and Replacement

With IT teams fully consumed by their routine jobs such as computers, managing network security, deploying and supporting applications, and maintaining an infrastructure—there’s almost no time left to focus on best practices for IT asset disposition .

Inadequate attention dedicated to the proper disposition of IT assets leads to increased risks, including loss of control over confidential data, lack of compliance, and impacted financial performance.

Digitizer expert team can assist you in data backup services and secure disposition of IT assets which is verifiable and sustainable. We assist you in;
• Recycling
• Remarketing
• Secure destruction
• Lease Return Services

All shredded materials are recycled in a secure, environmentally friendly manner. Those who choose remarketing as a value recovery option also contribute to their team’s sustainability efforts.

A certificate of data erasure and asset destruction is issued at the end of the process to prove your materials have been thoroughly broken down. We ensure compliance and provide certified data sanitization along with an audit-ready chain of custody for each serialized asset.

Document Scanning & Digital Storage Services

Image on Demand

Scan your documents in an Digitizer Record Center on an as-needed basis

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InSight Essential Edition

Capture, store and access your content in a secure cloud repository

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Content Services Platform

Make better business decisions using insights from advanced machine learning-based classfification and analytics

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